Asked by: Reyna Brendemuhl
Asked in category: education, language learning, education, language learning
Last Updated: 30th Jun 2024

What are the three types of bilingualism?

There are three types of individual bilingualism. These are subordinate, coordinate, and incipient bilingualism.

It is also important to understand what types of bilingualism exist.

Bilingualism: Types of Bilingualism

  • There are two types of early bilingualism: simultaneous early bilingualism or consecutive (or subsequent) early bilingualism.
  • Late bilingualism is when the second language is acquired after the age 6 or 7. This is especially true if it is learned in adolescence, or adulthood.

What does bilingualism actually mean? Simply put, bilingualism refers to the ability to use more than one language. A person could be bilingual if they have learned and used two languages simultaneously as a child (simultaneous bilingualism). They may also learn a second language after learning their first language.

What is bilingualism and an example, other than the above?

In a sentence, use bilingual adjective. Two languages are what constitute bilingual. A person who can speak both English or Spanish is an example of being bilingual. Bilinqual education is an example of bilingual education. This is when a student is taught both in English and their native language.

What is incipient bilingualism exactly?

Incipient Bilingualism refers the first stages of contact between two languages when an individual has only passive knowledge.