Asked by: Aitzpea Kubesch
Asked in category: medical health, infectious diseases
Last Updated: 1st Jul 2024

What are the symptoms of Lyme disease flare-ups?

Symptoms: Sleep deprivation; Fatigue; Arthralgia

Know that Lyme disease can cause flare-ups.

Chronic Lyme Disease can cause low-grade, ongoing symptoms flare-ups. It can happen if a patient has been infected more than one year prior to seeking treatment, or if steroids have been prescribed before the Lyme diagnosis.

Lyme disease symptoms can also change. Lyme disease symptoms can come and go. If left untreated, the bacteria may spread to the brain and heart as well as the joints. Early disseminated Lyme disease (stage 2) can occur up to two months after the tick bite and may include: Pain or numbness in the nerve area.

Another question is: How long does Lyme flare up?

These symptoms can last for up to six months, or even longer. These symptoms can cause problems with daily activities and emotional distress. Most people experience a significant improvement in their symptoms within six to one year.

How can you treat Lyme flare-ups?

Coping With Lyme Disease Flare-Up

  1. Allow yourself to be gracious during flare-ups.
  2. Allow yourself to relax.
  3. Concentrate on pain management.
  4. You might also consider other methods for pain management.
  5. Do not forget to show your love.
  6. Do not feel guilty if you don't complete your to-do lists.
  7. Keep your schedule light.
  8. Increase your fluid intake