Asked by: Mazatl Schoorl
Asked in category: science, physics, science, physics
Last Updated: 3rd Jul 2024

What does TF constant do?

tf. constant supports constants and not just uniform Scalar Tensors such as tf. Fill in. tf. Fill creates an Op in a graph that is expanded at runtime so it can efficiently represent large Tensors.

This being said, what does TF reduce_mean mean?

tf. reduce_mean - Calculate the Mean of a Tensor along an Axis using TensorFlow. tf.reduce_mean: TensorFlow reduce_mean can be used to calculate the mean of the tensor elements for different dimensions of the Tensor.

What is TF Variable_scope also? tf.variable_scope(name_or_scope, reuse=None, initializer=None) Returns a context for variable scope. Variable scope allows you to create new variables or to share existing ones. It also provides checks to ensure that you don't accidentally create or share any.

What is TF float32 in this context?

tf. tf.

How can you create a constant with Python?

Your answer

  1. There isn't. Python does not allow you to declare variables or values as constants. It can be changed, but not declared.
  2. If you are a member of a class, the equivalent would:
  3. class Foo(object), CONST_NAME = 'Name'
  4. If not, it is just.
  5. CONST_NAME = "Name"
  6. Nametuple can also be used to create constants