Asked by: Sharron Irigoen
Asked in category: science, geology
Last Updated: 3rd Jul 2024

Why does the continental crust rise higher than the oceanic crust?

Oceanic crust and continental are both less dense than the mantle. However, oceanic crust is more dense than continental crust. This is why the continents are at higher height than their ocean floors. It floats higher on top of the mantle because it is thinner than oceanic crust.

You should also know whether the oceanic crust is thicker than continental crust.

Continental crust. Although continental crust is less dense than oceanic, it is still thicker at 35 to 40km compared to the oceanic thickness of about 7-10 km.

What is the difference between the oceanic crust and continental crust? Partially melting results in different compositions of the mantle, oceanic and continental crust. Continental crust, which is less dense than oceanic crum, floats higher in the mantle than oceanic crust. It's similar to a piece Styrofoam floating higher on water than a bit of wood.

What is the difference between oceanic and continental crusts?

The oceanic crust is different from continental crust in many ways. It is thinner, denser and younger than continental crust, and has a different chemical composition. Oceanic crust, like Continental crust is also destroyed by subduction zones. There are two types of lavas: sheet flows and pillow lavas.

What is the base of crust?

The Earth's core is above the mantle. It is composed of rock containing iron, silicon, magnesium, aluminum and other minerals. The crust is the rock layer on Earth's surface. It is composed mainly of oxygen, silicon and aluminum.