Asked by: Suliman Glaseker
Asked in category: religion and spirituality, judaism, religion and spirituality, judaism
Last Updated: 3rd Jul 2024

What commandment is thou shalt not covet?

The entire "thou shall not covet" passage is found in the Tenth Commandment, which is applicable to Jews and most Protestants. Catholics and Lutherans have two commandments that "thou shaltn't covet", one against coveting the wife of your neighbor and one against coveting the property and ass of your neighbor.

What does the commandment Thou shall not covet, in addition to this?

"You shall not covet" is a statement that we should stop lusting after anything that does not belong to ourselves. The love of money is reflected in not having enough money. Obeying to the tenth commandment means that envy must be eradicated from the human heart.

What does it mean to covet your neighbor? If you are familiar with the term covet, it is because you are referring to the Tenth Commandment. "Thou shall not covet the neighbor's house, nor his wife, nor nor his maidservant nor his ox nor his ass nor any other thing that is thy neighbour's." This basically means that you should be content with your surroundings.

Similar to the above, it is also asked: What are the 10 Commandments in the Bible?"

Jesus said, "Thou shalt never murder, Thou shall not commit adultery, Thu shalt no steal, Thou must not bear false witness," Honour thy mother and father, and love thy neighbor as yourself. 10 Love does not do any harm to his neighbor; therefore, love is the fulfillment of the law.

What does the Bible mean by covet?

To desire unjustly, excessively, or without due regard to the rights of others: To covet another's property. To desire, especially eagerly: He won their prize.