Asked by: Barry Hoestermann
Asked in category: home and garden, landscaping
Last Updated: 2nd Jul 2024

What amount of fertilizer is needed for my lawn?

For every 100 square feet, apply 2 to 3 pounds (e.g. 10-20-10). Don't use too much fertilizer. This can cause damage to the plants. Two cups of most fertilizers weigh approximately 1 pound.

Many people also wonder how much fertilizer they should apply to their lawn.

The suggested rate of application is approximately one pound of actual fertilizer per 1,000 feet of lawn. This rate would be possible if fertilizers contained 100 percent nitrogen.

How often should your lawn be fertilized? Most lawns need fertilizer only once or twice per year to keep it green and healthy. The exact time you fertilize depends on your climate and the grass type you have. It is important to fertilize when your grass is growing the fastest.

Another question is: How many pounds of fertilizer should I use per square foot?

Ten pounds of fertilizer should be applied to every 1,000 square feet. This is five pounds multiplied by two pounds. A soluble organic nitrogen fertilizer should be used only once per 1,000 square feet.

Is it possible to fertilize too often?

Excessive fertilizer application to lawns can cause soil nitrogen and salt levels to rise, which could lead to grass death or damage. This is known as fertilizer burning. It manifests as yellow-brown strips or patches of dead grass. Symptoms can often appear as soon as the application has been made.