Asked by: Bouzid Noreña
Asked in category: style and fashion, bath and shower
Last Updated: 4th May 2024

Is Woolite detergent good?

Woolite laundry detergent is gentle and has a high cleaning power. This might surprise some. However, Woolite Laundry Detergent is able to clean clothes and make them ready for wear.

Similar, what's Woolite good at?

Woolite Delicates laundry soap is a gentle detergent that's specially designed to care for delicate clothes. You can use it for washing delicate fabrics like silk and wool in the gentle cycle of your washing machine.

Is Woolite Dark worth the investment? Wash and dry your clothes inside out to slow fade, especially denim. After years of wearing black, I can tell you it is better to use the Woolite designed for dark clothing. Turn your clothes upside down when washing in the machine. If you are washing delicate wool items, it is worth it.

What detergent is best for delicates?


What makes Woolite so different?

Laundry should be washed in an alkaline detergent. Ordinary detergents will contain a number of alkalis as part of their builder system. Woolite is neutral in pH. It relies on the combination of surfactants with a complexing agent to launder wool without any side effects.