Asked by: Mohcine Kniesz
Asked in category: home and garden, home appliances
Last Updated: 6th May 2024

Is it possible to bury PEX tubing

PEX tubing can be directly buried outdoors. This is a common practice when running water supply lines to houses. PEX is more resistant to freezing than rigid pipe because it expands. However, PEX can burst if there's water in the line. Protecting PEX from soil rocks by embedding it in sand is a good idea.

This being said, can underground PEX pipe be used?

- Yes, it can go underground . It should be buried beneath the frost line.

What can I use to build an underground water line? High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE, often just "PE") has become one of the most popular choices for underground service lines, thanks to its corrosion-resistance, durability, and competitive price. Some codes require that underground plastic lines less than 2 inches in diameter use PE, rather than PVC.

What type of PEX can you bury?

SharkBite PEX pipes are approved by AWWA C904 that covers PEX pipe for burial.

Is it possible to bury PEX crimprings?

Tube cutters can be used to cut the tube squarely (90Adeg). Learn more about PEX Crimp Connects aC/ Can work with hot or cold water lines, or with radiant (radiant) heating. Insert fittings are able to be installed behind walls but cannot be buried under concrete. The annealed copper used in PEX crimp rings is the basis of these rings.