Asked by: Caridad Escobero
Asked in category: business and finance, mergers and acquisitions
Last Updated: 9th May 2024

Is it possible to amortize goodwill under GAAP?

GAAP Accounting
GAAP (abooka accounting) does not allow for amortization of goodwill. Instead, it is tested annually for impairment. Private companies are allowed to amortize goodwill under GAAP.

This raises the question: Can goodwill be amortized?

Goodwill is not amortized under US GAAP or IFRS because it has an indefinite useful lifetime. Management is responsible for valuing goodwill each year and determining if impairment is necessary.

Do you also plan to amortize goodwill under FRS102? Many entities amortise their goodwill over a period of 20 years. Section 19.23(a), FRS102 states that goodwill is limited in its useful life and that it is amortized over this period. The useful life of goodwill is limited to ten years if an entity cannot make a reliable estimate.

Second, how long does it take to amortize intangible assets over time?

15 years

How can you record goodwill amortization

Recording Amortization You debit the amortization expense account for the amount and credit the intangible assets for the amount. A debit is just one side of an accounting . A debit can increase assets and expense balances, while decreasing revenue and net worth.