Asked by: Celmira Usarralde
Asked in category: medical health, sexual conditions, medical health, sexual conditions
Last Updated: 20th May 2024

What do you mean raw?

Raw is a slang term that refers to unprotected sexual activity. Raw can also be used as an adjective in the phrase "raw making loves", which refers to having sex without a contraceptive or birth control.

What does it mean to say that someone is raw?

adverb. Raw refers to unprotected sex. Raw can also be used as an adjective in the phrase "raw making loves", which refers to having sex without a contraceptive or birth control.

What is the drug raw? Raw - crack. RAW FUSION - heroin. RAW HIDE - heroin. RAZED - when you are under the influence of drugs.

People often ask what RAW means sexually.

You can also see similar words: sex, sexual interaction.

Does raw mean good?

Excellent, very good; "cool" This movie was raw. Morgan is so raw. You can also see more words that have the same meaning: cool, awesome, fun, okay.