Asked by: Megumi Sabatini
Asked in category: technology and computing, wearable technology
Last Updated: 6th May 2024

What are crosshairs on a gun?

crosshairs. Crosshairs refer to the wires that are aligned when a shooter is trying to aim a gun. Before taking a shot, a hunter might find a moose in her crosshairs. Crosshairs (also spelled crosshairs) is another name for a "reticle", which is a series of lines within an optical piece that bring an image into focus.

Know what the meaning of in the crosshairs?

Definition of in crosshairs. A gun that is aimed at with crosshairs, such as a rifle or pistol. The senator's voting record was caught in crosshairs by his political rivals.

How do crosshairs work in the same way? The erector tube houses the magnification lenses as well as the reticle assembly. Many shooters refer to the reticle as the "crosshairs," which is used to aim the firearm. When magnification increases, the magnification lens moves towards the objective lens.

This being said, what is crosshairs?

Crosshair definition.

What is the name of the scope's crosshairs?

The reticle (or crosshair) is your aiming point in a riflescope's field of view.