Asked by: Marcilene Goerk
Asked in category: home and garden, interior decorating
Last Updated: 20th May 2024

Can shutters reduce noise?

Say No to Noise
Shutters have excellent soundproofing properties. Shutters can significantly lower the noise level in your home thanks to their thick, durable louvers and noise-absorbing frames.

Do shutters reduce noise from traffic?

While roller shutters can reduce up to 80% noise from your home, neither soundproof windows or roller shutters will eliminate all external noises. You can put more barriers between your home and the yappy dog, loud party or traffic noise.

Aluminium shutters can also reduce noise. Aluminium roller shutters can reduce outside noise by as much as 75 percent. This means that indoor spaces are quieter, making it easier to focus and disconnect from outside noise.

How much noise can shutters block?

Roller shutters aren't able to block out all noise, but the latest Smart Block-out Electric Blind technology from Roller Smart can. They can block out as much as 80%. These shutters are often considered the best way to prevent noise pollution from neighbors or roads.

How can I reduce the noise from traffic in my home?

Tips to Deal with Noise from the Street

  1. Your exterior walls should be used. A thick wall of books absorbs sound better than any other thing.
  2. Consider thick curtains. You can dampen the sound by using heavy curtains.
  3. White noise. A fan or white noise machine can be very helpful.
  4. Strengthen the windows. Through windows, noise can seep in.
  5. Earplugs.
  6. It will be fixed over time.