Asked by: Guofu Hemschenherm
Asked in category: medical health, diabetes, medical health, diabetes, medical health, diabetes, medical health, diabetes
Last Updated: 2nd Jul 2024

Is dried date low in Glycemic index?

According to a study published by the Nutrition Journal, these sweet, small-sized, wrinkled fruits have a low glycemic rating. The glycemic values of the dates were 46 to 55 for healthy subjects and 43-53 for type 2 diabetics. This makes them low glycemic foods.

What is the glycemic value of dried dates?

The measurement of carbohydrate effects can be helpful in glucose management

FOOD Glycemic index (glucose =100)
Mango, rawa 51 A+- 5
Watermelon, raw 76 A+- 4
Dates, raw 42 A+- 4
Cannellini, peaches 43 A+- 5

Is dried fruit low in glycemic? Due to their high fiber content and fructose, most fruits have a low glycemic (GI). Dried fruit, such as dates, sweetened cranberries, raisins, melons, and pineapples, have a medium GI.

This is why dry dates are good for diabetes.

Diabetic patients can eat 2-3 dates per day, provided they exercise caution and have healthy eating habits. Consuming 3 dates and other sweet treats from the supermarket will increase blood sugar levels.

Is Medjool low in Glycemic Index?

This is great news. A single date can contain 70 to 80 percent sugar. One Medjool date has 16 grams of sugar and 67 cals. Dates don't have a high glycemic load. This means that they won’t cause blood sugar spikes like a piece of triple chocolate cake.