Asked by: Constantina Struckamp
Asked in category: music and audio, society and culture podcasts
Last Updated: 9th May 2024

Is Arrow a victim of the Cellist in Sarajevo?

Arrow was instructed to protect the cellist every day, until the end. It is believed that Arrow was killed because he disobeyed her new commander after his performance.

How does the cellist in Sarajevo then end?

Arrow shot the sniper head in the head after the piece was over. Arrow tells her superior that the sniper had been killed and she is told by her superior that she must hide or be forced to do the dirty work of the police.

What is The Cellist of Sarajevo's theme? The Cellist of Sarajevo depicts heroic acts, as is common for war novels. Galloway focuses on civilians, expanding the definition of war heroism beyond soldiers' bravery under attack to include the more mundane activities of living a life amid violence.

Also, know who the arrow is in the Cellist of Sarajevo

Arrow, a sniper working for the Sarajevo militia watches three soldiers through her scope. The soldiers are not safe so she considers which one she should kill. Arrow is skilled in hitting her targets, which is something most snipers would not be able to do.

What is the role of the cellist in the Cellists of Sarajevo?

The cellist is a symbol of hope and light in the city. The adagio reminds citizens of past times in a once bustling city every time he plays it. People listen to the music and are reminded of their city, which gives them the strength to be the same people again.