Asked by: Nadeem Voitswinkler
Asked in category: personal finance, home financing, personal finance, home financing
Last Updated: 20th May 2024

What is a mortgage broker vs lender?

What is the difference between a broker and a lender of mortgages? A lender is a financial institution which makes loans directly for you. A broker does NOT lend money. A broker will find a lender.

Is it better to use a lender or mortgage broker to help with this?

Although it may seem like using a mortgage broker would save you money, they have access to many lenders. Mortgage brokers receive commissions from the mortgage companies, but some lenders charge more than others. The Bank loan officer has access to only their mortgage programs and rates when they work with them.

Is it easier to get mortgage financing with a broker than the above? It's more common for first-time buyers. A broker is used by people who are looking for a deal or want to get the best rate.

Is it worth using a mortgage broker?

A small difference in mortgage rates could save you thousands of dollars over the life-of a mortgage. It's worth shopping around. There are mortgage lenders who only work with brokers. Your mortgage broker might have access to loan products you don't have.

What does a mortgage lender do for you?

A mortgage lender is a bank or financial institution that underwrites home loans. Lenders use specific borrowing guidelines to verify creditworthiness and ability of borrowers to repay loans. They determine the terms, interest rate and repayment schedule for your mortgage.