Asked by: Romica Naveiro
Asked in category: home and garden, indoor environmental quality
Last Updated: 20th May 2024

How much does Warmboard cost per square foot?

Warmboard or any radiant solution will cost you between $10 and $15 per square foot. Warmboard is half the price.

Is it possible to install Warmboard over concrete?

The WarmboardaR can be installed on concrete or subfloors, but is also used in walls.

Second, what is Warmboard radiant heating? Warmboard-R, our radiant heat panel specifically designed for remodels and retrofits, is available. It is a 13/16 inch thick radiant panel which provides unparalleled response, energy efficiency, and comfort. Warmboard-R panels are 2'x4" and can be installed over existing slabs or subfloors.

What is the working principle of Warmboard?

Radiant panels conduct heat from water through a tube that runs to your floor. It's as simple as that. Conductivity is therefore the most important thermodynamic property in a radiant system. Warmboard was designed to maximize the benefits of thermodynamic laws.

Is Warmboard really worth it?

Warmboard is more expensive than other radiant systems. This is because it's more luxurious than lower-grade options. Warmboard is more expensive than other radiant systems, but it has lower labor and material expenses.