Asked by: Yunjie Trebus
Asked in category: home and garden, landscaping
Last Updated: 20th May 2024

What can you do to solve drainage issues?

A popular way to solve a drainage problem is routing rainwater to a low spot in your yard, where it can flow naturally over rocks in a dry creekbed. The debris that is washed away by excessive water during storms will be collected in a catch basin (pictured).

Keep this in mind, how can you fix drainage problems?

A dry creek bed can be used to solve drainage issues and create a beautiful landscape feature. To direct water away from low spots in your yard, build a creek bed. If the ground slope allows it, you can also use a creek bed for drainage.

The next question is: How do you fix drainage problems in your garden? You can improve the soil by adding lots of organic matter. A soil with high organic matter content allows for excess moisture to flow through the soil while still absorbing water. It sounds paradoxical but it is true. Raised beds are great for gardening. The soil is controlled and drains well, so your plants will be happy.

What are the issues with drainage?

Drainage problems such as puddling, pooling and saturated soil can cause damage to landscaping and make a backyard a swamp. It can cause mold and moisture problems, and damage foundations. Drainage is a serious problem when it is present.

For drainage issues, who do you contact?

Most sewer repairs are now handled by local water companies. If you experience any issues with the sewer and/or lateral drainage, such as a blocked drain, please contact your local water company. If necessary, your water company can enter your home to inspect and maintain the sewer.