Asked by: Guendalina Salami
Asked in category: travel, africa travel
Last Updated: 6th Jul 2024

What is Swazi English?

Human language: Swazi language, Tsonga la

What language does the Swazi people speak?

Swati English

Also, which country is Eswatini? Swaziland

What is Swaziland famous for?

Swaziland is known for its skilled craftsmen and has many craft markets and other attractions. Ngwenya Glass is Africa's most highly regarded glass factory.

Swaziland is a country?

Swaziland. Swaziland's landlocked country is Eswatini. South Africa is bordered by the country in the south, west, and east, and Mozambique in the east. Swaziland, which is small, is located between 200 km north and south and 130 kilometers east to west.