Asked by: Rachell Abbasov
Asked in category: healthy living, mens health
Last Updated: 6th Jul 2024

What does the suffix Bene mean?

-bene-, root. -bene-, root. It can be translated as: benediction.

What does the prefix "bene" mean?

Definition and Meaning of the root word Bene A disposition to do good and help others is called Benevolence.

The next question is: What does the suffix ship stand for? The suffix -ship can be used to create nouns of condition or state, and is often added to personal nouns. It was used extensively in Old English with adjectives and participles, but only two survive (hardship, worship, and a noun meaning 'worthy').

You might also ask: What words start with Bene?

10 letter words that begin with bene

  • beneficial.
  • benevolent.
  • benefactor.
  • beneficent.
  • benefitted.
  • benefiters.
  • benefiting.
  • beneficing.

How do you spell Bene

Bene is a combining form that occurs in loanwords from Latin. It means awella, benediction.