Asked by: Gislaine Herling
Asked in category: business and finance, business operations
Last Updated: 6th Jul 2024

What is the difference in quality assurance and quality control when it comes to project management?

Quality assurance creates a process to ensure that the product is free from defects. Meanwhile, quality control inspects the product during production to make sure it does not become a defect. These are critical steps to the success of your project.

What is the difference between quality assurance and control?

Quality assurance and quality control are different because Quality Control is product-oriented while Quality Assurance is process-oriented. Quality Control checks the product's quality and then it falls under the QC domain. QC is responsible for ensuring that the results you get are consistent with your expectations.

You may also be curious about quality assurance in project management. Quality assurance in project management is one of three components of a larger quality system. It ensures that project deliverables meet planned quality standards. QA is the process of analyzing and auditing the systems that produce a product to improve its quality.

What are the four types of quality control that can be applied to this?

There's seven main quality control tools, which include

  • Checklists. Quality control is, at its most basic level, the process of checking that your product meets all requirements for manufacturing and selling.
  • Fishbone diagram.
  • Control chart.
  • Stratification.
  • Pareto chart.
  • Histogram.
  • Scatter Diagram.

Which is better, QA or QC first?

Quality Control: This confirms that the standards set during the QA process have been followed when developing the product.