Asked by: Jayro Kirchhausen
Asked in category: news and politics, disasters
Last Updated: 6th Jul 2024

What was it like to be a trapper during the Industrial Revolution?

The Industrial Revolution saw many young trappers working in mines to open doors and allow coal to flow through tunnels. The danger of avalanches was for anyone who worked in the mine, including trappers . These are falling rock and debris. They can cause serious injury or even death.

What was a Hurrier during the Industrial Revolution?

A hurrier was also known as a coal drawer, or a coal thruster. It was a child or a woman who worked for a collier to transport coal they had mined. Because of the difficulty in transporting the coal, women would usually ask their children to help.

What is a trapper boy, exactly? The Trapper Boy in the Coal Mines. In many countries, the late 1800's and early 2000's were a time of great prosperity for coalmines. Lewis Hine took this photo in 1908. It shows a young boy who was responsible for opening and closing the trap doors of a mine. To allow the mining cars to pass, trapper boys had to open and close the trap door.

What did a trapper do?

The youngest member of the underground family, the trapper, was often the youngest. Their job was to open and close wooden trap doors that allowed fresh air through the mine. They would wait for the coal tub to pass through the door, often in darkness for as long as twelve hours.

What did miners do during the Industrial Revolution?

These men dug coal from the ground to power the Industrial Revolution's machinery. It heated their homes as well as the homes of others. Despite their hardships and low social standing, coal miners were essential members of society.