Asked by: Yancho Brisch
Asked in category: home and garden, home entertaining, home and garden, home entertaining
Last Updated: 6th May 2024

How often do you empty a DynaTrap?

The retaining cage should be emptied approximately every 1-3 weeks. You will be able to trap more efficiently and prolong the unit's life.

People often ask how to empty the DynaTrap.

Before cleaning, switch off the unit and unplug it. Turn clockwise and twist the retaining frame. Remove insects from the retaining cage and dispose of them in a trash can. Brush included.

You can also leave the DynaTrap outside in the rain. Yes, our DynaTrap was connected under our roof soffit during the rain and wind storms in North Texas this Spring. Ours has been plugged in since March , and the fan as well as the lightbulb are still in use in October.

How long does a DynaTrap last then?

Our bulbs are rated to last for 3,000 hours (4 months of continuous use) at maximum efficiency. While your bulbs may still be lit up after this time, they will no longer emit maximum UV light. Make sure you change your bulbs regularly to ensure your DynaTrap is firing on all cylinders!

DynaTrap works during the day?

Answer: Dynatrap Insect trap - Indoor/Outdoor is designed to attract black flies and works 24 hours a days, 7 days a semaine.