Asked by: Sheyla Anderton
Asked in category: style and fashion, makeup and accessories
Last Updated: 5th May 2024

How many types of micrometers are there?

Two types

Another question is: What are the different types and uses of micrometers?

These are the 4 most common types of micrometer screws gauges and the 3 special purpose micrometers.

  • Outside Micrometer.
  • Inside Micrometer.
  • Micrometer Depth Gauge.
  • Bench Micrometer.
  • Special Purpose Micrometer Screw Thread Micrometer. Vee-Anvil Micrometer. Thickness Micrometer.

What is an outside micrometer, other than the one mentioned above? A screw mechanism is used to measure the outside dimensions of objects with precision. 0001" or less. The two measuring faces of an outside micrometer are the spindle or anvil.

Also, you might be interested in what micrometer is and how it can be used.

Micrometers are instruments that can be used to measure very small objects. A micrometer measures the thickness, depth, and length of any object that fits between its spindle and anvil. It is used in machining and mechanical engineering.

How do you measure micrometers?

To measure on the micrometer, the object must be gently held between the spindle and anvil. Once the micrometer has been calibrated, the user will gently pinch the anvil and spindle until the ratchet clicks once or twice. This ensures the correct tension is applied.