Asked by: Yeny Tringler
Asked in category: religion and spirituality, christianity
Last Updated: 2nd Jul 2024

How do you honor the Lord with your possessions?

Solomon wrote: "Honor God with all your possessions and with the firstfruits from all your increase; So that your barns are full of plenty, and your vats overflow with fresh wine." Proverbs 3;9-10; NKJV

How can you also honor God with the substance that you use?

HONOUR THE LORD WITH ALL YOUR SUBSTANCES. Honor the LORD with all of your substance, including the first fruits of your produce. Your barns will then be full and your vats bursting with wine. (Proverbs 3-10 RSV).

What does it mean to honour God with your first fruits, and what is the meaning of this? First Fruits are a religious offering of the first harvest of agricultural produce. The first fruits were offered to the deity in classical Greek, Roman, Hebrew and Hebrew religions. Some Christian texts refer to Jesus Christ as the first fruit of the dead through his resurrection.

What brings God's honor in this regard?

Reward good faith and goodwill with kindness, sincere condolences for those in distress, and congratulations during good times. Give credit to others by being open-minded and accepting of what they have to offer and sharing time with them in fellowship.

What does the Bible have to say about wealth?

Proverbs 28.20 A faithful man will be blessed with many blessings. But, whoever tries to become rich quickly will be punished. Deuteronomy 8.18 But keep your eyes on the LORD, your God. He is the one who will give you the ability of producing wealth and confirms the covenant he made to your ancestors.