Asked by: Nasiha Langhanns
Asked in category: medical health, surgery
Last Updated: 2nd Jul 2024

How do I look up my board certification?

Use Board Websites
You can start by visiting the ABMS Certification Matters website or the ABPS site for most boards. Find out if your doctor has been listed, and which board they are a member. Log in to gain access to doctor's credentialing information.

It is also asked how can I verify the credentials of a surgeon?

You can check the credentials of your surgeon by visiting the American Board of Medical Specialties website ( You can also search for them online. You should also contact your state's medical boards to verify if there have been any malpractice suits against your surgeon.

What is the best way to find out if a doctor has been involved in malpractice? To conduct a background medical search, first go to the Federation of State Medical Boards Physician Data Center website. This will allow you to review basic information about the doctor, including board certifications, education, list of states that have an active license, and any actions taken against him or her.

How long does board certification last?

Most boards of certification require physicians to demonstrate that they are continuing to master the core knowledge and skills of their chosen specialty. The frequency of recertification depends on the specialty. It can take between 7 and 10 years.

Does Medicare require board certification?

More convincingly, the CMS doesn't require board certificate to enroll in the Medicare program which covers more than 55 million seniors, disabled, and other vulnerable Americans.