Asked by: Holga Casademont
Asked in category: travel, africa travel
Last Updated: 28th Jun 2024

How did Victoria Falls come to be?

Formation and Use of the Cataract
Victoria Falls is formed from soft sandstone, which fills large cracks in the basalt rock on the plateau. The cracks were created by the Upper Zambezi, which flowed across the plateau in ancient days.

People also ask why Victoria Falls is so special.

It is the world's largest waterfall, when it rains. It is called Mosi-oa–Tunya by the Africans who live near it. This means "smoke which thunders". As the water falls onto the Zambezi River below, it makes a loud roaring sound.

You might also wonder where Victoria Falls gets its water. The impressive body of waters has a catchment of 1,390,000 kmA2. It flows approximately 2700km from its source in northern Zambia to the Indian Ocean.

You may also wonder, "How long ago did Victoria Falls form?"

180 million years ago

What was the original name for Victoria Falls?
