Asked by: Abderhim Kruss
Asked in category: business and finance, construction industry
Last Updated: 30th Jun 2024

How high can my retaining wall be built?

Most retaining walls average between 3-4 feet in height. This height is ideal because it doesn’t require anchors or costly engineering methods. However, in some cases, the wall may need to be higher. The following factors can affect the height of your wall: Extreme heights.

What is the maximum height for a retaining wall?

Most retaining walls, load-bearing or non-load bearing, are between 3-4 feet high. You should not build structures that exceed 4 feet high without some form of structural support.

Without council approval NSW, how high can you build a retaining walls? You can build a retaining wall in New South Wales up to 600mm above ground without approval from the council. However, retaining walls over 1 meter in height require approval from the Gold Coast of Queensland.

In the same vein, how high is a wood retaining walls allowed to be built?

four feet tall

Is there a cheaper way to build a wall?


  1. Treated pine is the most affordable material.
  2. Hardwood is less expensive than treated pine.
  3. Concrete sleepers can be more expensive.
  4. Besser blocks can be quite expensive to install.
  5. There are many prices for interlocking concrete blocks.