Asked by: Jabbar Hulsken
Asked in category: hobbies and interests, beekeeping
Last Updated: 30th Jun 2024

How do you get rid of shiny green beetles?

Sprinkle a dust insecticide containing carbaryl on lawns and gardens containing green June beetle larvae. Follow the manufacturer's instructions and apply approximately 4 pounds of dust to every 1,000 square feet of lawn or garden. If necessary, repeat the application every 2 to 3 weeks.

How can you eliminate beetles from plants?

At the first sign that you notice a Japanese Beetle Killer (pyrethrin), spray the affected plants with neem or Japanese Beetle Killer. These pests can be controlled safely and effectively with pyrethrin-based insecticides.

You might also wonder what shiny green beetles eat. The figeater beetle. Cotinis Mutabilis, also known by the figeater or green fruit beetle, is a member the scarab beetle species family. It is part of the Cetoniinae subfamily, which includes a group beetles known as flower chafers, since they feed on pollen and nectar.

What is the natural way to get rid beetles?

Soap + water spray Mix 4 tablespoons dish soap with water in a spray bottle. This easy solution is a great, all natural Japanese Beetle insecticide. Spray any beetles that you find on your lawn or garden.

How can you get rid of beetles?

Spray your plants with an insecticide containing carbaryl, Acephate, or Permethrin to kill Japanese beetles. You can also spray your plants with organic Neem oil if you don't want to use chemicals.