Asked by: Joni Stachur
Asked in category: home and garden, landscaping
Last Updated: 30th Jun 2024

What height can cedars reach?

Cedar trees can reach heights over 120 feet. Some species can grow up to 180 feet. They are light-colored and have a spicy, scented wood.

What is the cedar tree's average height?

Cedar trees can reach a height of between 30 and 40 meters. Some trees can grow to as high as 70 meters.

What is the growth rate of cedars? Although the average growth rate for cedar trees varies by species, most cedars grow at a medium-fast rate. Michael Dirr's "Manual of Woody Landscape Plants" classifies cedar trees as having a medium growth rate of 13-24 inches per year and a rapid growth rate of 25 inches or more.

How tall can Emerald cedars reach?

Emerald Cedar can be kept at 1.5 to 1.8 meters (5-6 feet), or up to 6 meters (20ft) high. It has a spread of approximately 1.2 meters (4ft). They are a great screen and can grow at 30 cm (1 foot) per annum.

How far apart can you plant cedar trees

For a decorative hedge, dig a single trench or a row of holes. Place seedlings or very small plants between 8 and 18 inches from each other. Plants that are taller, such as those sold in larger 3-gallon pots or larger, should be spaced between 5 to 7 feet.