Asked by: Nazmul Martyshevsky
Asked in category: business and finance, civil engineering industry, business and finance, civil engineering industry
Last Updated: 30th Jun 2024

What is underpinning of a house?

Underpinning refers to strengthening the foundation of a building or other structure during construction or renovation. There are many reasons why underpinning is necessary.

People also ask: How long does it take for a house to be underpinned?

Four to six weeks

You may also be curious about the process of underpinning a house. The process of strengthening the foundations of a property in order to add new floors or reinforce existing structures.

Can you get a mortgage for a house that has been sub-floored?

A lender can offer a mortgage on an underpinned property if the survey report confirms that the work was completed to a high standard and that there are no structural problems.

How can you tell if your house is in dire need of underpinning?

Cracks in walls are the most obvious sign to watch out for. Cracks in the walls may not always be caused by subsidence. A newly plastered wall might show small cracks that are quite safe. Minor cracks may also appear in older buildings.