Asked by: Kemoko Hayyim
Asked in category: hobbies and interests, beekeeping
Last Updated: 30th Jun 2024

How can you mix Taurus SC with ants?

Taurus SC is a great insecticide to control ants. Mix 0.8 Oz (0.06% dilution) of Taurus in one gallon of water using a pump sprayer. Spray the perimeter of the house from 18 inches away from the house.

How do you use Taurus SC to control ants?

Mix 0.8 fl. for outdoor control of Ants or other perimeter pests oz. Taurus SC per gallon of distilled water. Spray the exterior of your home using a hand pump sprayer, spraying approximately 1 foot up and 1 foot away from the house.

How do you mix Termidor SC? To make Termidor SC at 0.06%, you will need to mix 0.80 fl. oz with 1 gallon of water. Every Termidor SC bottle comes with a measuring tool that measures 0.80 fl oz. This is the concentration most commonly required in most applications.

How do you dilute Taurus SC?

Taurus SC is a water-based suspension concentrate liquid that contains 9.1 % active ingredients. SC can be completely dispersed. Mix 0.06% dilution by adding 0.8 fluid ounces TaurusSC to each gallon of finished dilution . Mix a 0.09% dilution with 1.2 fluid ounces Taurus SC per gallon.

What is the time Termidor takes to kill ants?

3-4 Weeks