Asked by: Mavis Rekha
Asked in category: medical health, digestive disorders
Last Updated: 1st May 2024

How can you get rid of H pylori bacteria

Treatment for H. Pylori
  1. Antibiotics to kill the bacteria within your body, such a clarithromycin, clarithromycin, metronidazole, flagyl, tetracycline, Sumycin, or tinidazole, (Tindamax).
  2. The drugs that lower the acidity of your stomach by blocking the tiny pumps responsible for producing it.

Another question was: How do you naturally kill H pylori?

7 natural treatments for H. pylori infection

  1. Probiotics. Probiotics are good for maintaining balance between the good and bad bacteria in your gut.
  2. Green tea. Green tea has been shown to slow down the growth of Helicobacter bacteria in mice.
  3. Honey.
  4. Broccoli sprouts.
  5. Phototherapy.

What happens if H pylori isn't eliminated? H. Pylori can cause stomach inflammation. You might feel stomach pain, nausea or both. It can lead to ulcers, which can be painful, open sores that cause bleeding in the stomach lining.

Is H pylori also completely curable?

After completing the first course of treatment, pylori infections are not curable. In this instance, a second treatment plan is often recommended. The patient must take two antibiotics and a proton pump inhibitor for 14 days to heal.

Is heat a danger to H pylori

You can heat kill bacteria by heating it at 70EC for 10 mins, then 95EC for 5 minutes (24). SURVIVAL OUTSIDE OF HOST: Unknown. As culturing . Culture, blood antigen detection and urease detection can confirm pylori (2).