Asked by: Mariel Folman
Asked in category: food and drink, desserts and baking, food and drink, desserts and baking
Last Updated: 22nd May 2024

When a recipe calls for shortening what do they mean?

By definition, shortening is any fat that is solid at ambient temperature and can be used in baking. The shortening gives baked goods a delicate, crumbly texture.

Similar to the previous question, what should you use if a recipe calls out for shortening?

Butter or margarine can also be substituted. For every 1 cup shortening, add 1 cup butter or margarine and 2 tablespoons.

You may also wonder what shortening means when a cookie recipe calls to use it. Shortening in Cookies is 100 percent fat. This means that there is no water in the shortening and no steam is produced during baking. Shortening doesn't increase gluten production so cookies made with shortening are more tender and softer.

What is shortening for baking?

Technically, shortening can be any fat that is solid at room temperatures. However, ashorteninga is more commonly used to refer to hydrogenated vegetable oils. Shortening is named for its effect on gluten production. The fats reduce the gluten strands and make baked goods tender and flaky.

What are some examples for shortening?

Margarine, Crisco and other manufactured shortening products are examples. What is the purpose of shortening_? "Shorteners make baked goods tender and moist. This happens when shortener (butter or oil, hydrogenated shortening or lard) are added to the batter.