Asked by: Guohong Lizarieta
Asked in category: events and attractions, wedding
Last Updated: 22nd May 2024

What is the gift for 11 years of marriage?


What do you give your 11th wedding anniversary couple?

Steel is the traditional gift to celebrate 11 years of marriage. It shows your love and strength. You can also choose jewellery as the modern gift to celebrate your 11th wedding anniversary.

The next question is: What do I buy my husband to celebrate our 11th wedding anniversary? Steel is a symbol of strength and durability. This makes it a great gift for a couple who has been together for 11years. Fashion jewelry, on the other hand, is unique and fun just like you and your partner or your favorite couple.

Afterwards, you might also wonder, "What is the symbol for 11 Years of Marriage?"

Wedding Anniversary Symbols

Year Traditional Modern
10th Tin and Aluminum Diamond Jewelry
11th Steel Fashion Jewelry
12th Silk, Linen Pearls and Colored Gems
13th Lace Textiles and Furs

What are you getting for 10 years of marriage?

The 10th anniversary of marriage was traditionally marked with aluminum or tin. Both metals have the ability to last a lifetime and are flexible enough to be used in a loving relationship. Diamond is the best choice in jewelry and gemstones for the tenth anniversary of your marriage.