Asked by: Tamari Buggenum
Asked in category: news and politics, war and conflicts
Last Updated: 22nd May 2024

How can I get into Tyr's secret chamber

Locate Tur's mysterious door
Follow your routepoint outside and follow the path to Tyr's temple. Soon, you will reach a locked door at the temple's side with a triangular handle. Enter Tyr's secret chamber by inserting the key.

Keep this in mind, where is Tyr's secret chamber?

Look for the entrance of the vault on the East side facing Alfheim tower. Once you have the key, enter the secret chamber by approaching the door.

Is there a realm travel room, other than the one mentioned above? This is a walkthrough for the third God of War story missions, a Realm Beyond. The next mission in God of War PS4's main story, A Realm Beyond, is a brief mission that takes place mainly in Tyr's Temple.

How can I return to Tyr's temple in this way?

To find a purple chest with a Muspelheim Cipher Piece, you must climb up the ledge. You will now need to cross the bridge and return inside Tyr's Temple.

Is it possible to explore Jotunheim?

Yes, you can still explore the world after finishing the main storyline. Some places are no longer accessible after you finish the main storyline. One is Jotunheim, which can only visit for a short time. You can still find every secret and collectible in the game.