Asked by: Nafissa Gfaller
Asked in category: business and finance, construction industry
Last Updated: 22nd May 2024

How do you finish concrete slabs?


People also ask: How do I tell when my concrete is ready to be used?

Before you join, edging or floating concrete, wait until the ableeda and sheen have completely disappeared. The process of forcing larger aggregates below the concrete surface begins with screeding.

Also, concrete can be smoothened after drying. Two methods can be used to smoothen concrete surfaces that have been hardened. There are two options: dry grinding or wet rubbing. To remove any marks or fins left by forms, dry grinding is performed on dry concrete surfaces. A cement paste is formed by the water and rubbing. This results in a smooth, plaster-like surface.

Also, it is okay if it rains after pouring concrete.

Pouring Concrete vs Pouring Rain. The concrete surface should be protected from rain if it rains while the concrete is still fresh after mixing. Rainwater that has not been used in the finishing process may cause no damage if it isn't incorporated into the surface or left unaltered.

What time do you have to wait before you can broom finish concrete?

Before you do anything, let all the water evaporate. This process can take between 20 and 4 hours depending upon the temperature, humidity, wind speed and the force of the wind. Once the bleed water has dried, you can use your steel finishing trowel to finish the job.