Asked by: Fouzi Mossa
Asked in category: technology and computing, artificial intelligence, technology and computing, artificial intelligence
Last Updated: 2nd May 2024

Does the predicate include the object?

Predicates contain a verb. They also contain some other elements. These elements could contain the verb, direct object or any other clauses, phrases, or clauses. A sentence is made up of two parts: the predicate and the subject.

Also, ask: What is a subject predicate?

When breaking down a sentence, the three components that are important are subject, predicate, or objects. The subject is the "who" and "what" in the sentence. The predicate is the verb. The object is any noun, concept, or idea that is part the subject's action.

What is a predicate? Define predicate: A predicate is a part of a sentence that contains a verb and states something about the subject. It includes the verb as well as any modifications to it. This is also known as the complete predicate. Example of a Predicate : We are ready for food.

What does a predicate include?

The predicate is the part of a sentence that modifies the subject. The subject is the person, place or thing in a sentence. Therefore, the predicate must contain a verb explaining the subject's actions and can also include modifiers.

What is the predicate for a sentence?

(with examples) The predicate refers to the part of a sentence that tells what subject does or is. The predicate represents everything that isn't the subject.