Asked by: Aixiang Rimada
Asked in category: style and fashion, deodorant and antiperspirant
Last Updated: 30th Jun 2024

Can you remove pit stains?

Make a paste by mixing one cup vinegar, half a cup baking soda and one tablespoon salt with one tablespoon hydrogen peroxide. OxiClean is easy to use. Follow the instructions and add water. Raise: This stain remover is specifically made to remove pit stains.

How can you remove pit stains?

For sweat stains on colored clothing, soak it in a mixture cold water and vinegar for 20-30 minutes. To remove the stain, use cold water to wash the area. Next, rub the affected area with your fingers.

What are the best ways to get yellow armpit stains from white shirts? An aluminum-based deodorant could be the problem, as it can react with sweat to cause yellowing.

  1. Use vinegar to treat the stains. Apply two tablespoons vinegar to 1 cup of water.
  2. Mix baking soda & hydrogen peroxide.
  3. Lemons can be used as a stain remover.
  4. Get rid of the stain.

It is also worth knowing if vinegar can remove armpit stains.

Turn the shirt upside down and spray the underarms with full-strength vinegar. Let the vinegar soak for at least 30 minutes. Use an old toothbrush to gently brush the area.

What causes pit stains

The basic science behind pit stains is that your antiperspirant reacts with your sweat proteins to cause them. Aluminum is the active ingredient of most prescription and over-the-counter antiperspirants. Your sweat contains water, ammonia and urea and salts.