Asked by: Clelia Grediaga
Asked in category: home and garden, home appliances, home and garden, home appliances
Last Updated: 6th May 2024

Can you put two hot water heaters together?

Equipment being equal, heaters that are connected in parallel will produce more hot water than heaters that are connected in series. Each unit gets the hot-water demand in a parallel configuration. Each heater will then heat the cold water at the same rate.

Also, learn how to connect two hot water heaters in parallel or in series.

The cold water is fed into one water heater and then through another. Parallel refers to a cold supply that feeds each water heater separately and then joins them together to make one hot water supply.

Also, learn how dual hot water heaters work. It is my understanding that dual hot water heaters should be plumbed in parallel. You can heat the cold water first, then the hot water heater will warm it.

Why do I have two hot water heaters in my house?

PARALLEL. PARALLEL. You will end up mixing the cold water from one heater with hot water from another heater. It is a bad idea to leave one heater off for too long as the water can stagnate and become foul.

Are two water heaters more efficient than one?

Distributed generation: Two water heaters are better that one. Tankless water heaters are more cost-effective than standard water heaters.