Asked by: Deivy Sebastia
Asked in category: home and garden, home appliances, home and garden, home appliances
Last Updated: 6th May 2024

Can you paint over cheap kitchen cabinets?

Lou Manfredini is Ace's Home Expert and will show you how to paint laminate cabinets at a low cost. BEYOND PAINT(r) can bond to nearly any household surface that is clean, dry, free from grease, oil, or wax without the need for priming or sanding.

This is a great question. Can you paint cheap kitchen cabinets?

Painting. You can change the color of both wood veneers and laminate cabinets with painting. This will need a base coat of bonding primer. This primer is for glossy surfaces. Although it is best to lightly sand the surface before applying bonding primers, you can also find primers that are suitable for surfaces that cannot be sanded.

Can you paint over kitchen cabinets? Wood cabinets are best for painting. However, any surface that can be scuffed and sanded can be painted. Laminate cabinets require a special bonding primer. There are special cabinet paints that provide a smooth finish. However, any high-quality painting should be able to work. Make sure you use acrylic paint and not vinyl

Also, do you think you can paint laminate kitchen cabinets?

Painting is the cheapest option. Laminate may not be the best surface for painting but it can still be done. You'll be happier with the results if you view the paint job as a temporary solution while you look into new cabinetry. These steps will help you achieve the best finish.

How do I paint laminate cabinets without sanding them?


  1. Make sure you check that your laminate is in good shape.
  2. Krud Kutter can be used to clean your cabinets well and remove any grease or dust.
  3. Chalky Finish paint can be applied to cabinet doors with a roller.
  4. You can chalk-paint any areas that the roller couldn’t reach with a paintbrush.