Asked by: Jianhui Lynsmeier
Asked in category: food and drink, desserts and baking
Last Updated: 6th Jul 2024

Can you eat Rosa rugosa hips?

Both the flowers and the hips can be eaten, but only the leaves can be used medicinally. All parts of the rose plant family are astringent, good for circulation and the heart. Digestive aids are provided by the petals and hips . The strong, attractive fragrance of rugosa roses is incredibly appealing.

Are there any rose hips that are poisonous?

All rosehips can be eaten. The hip is actually the fruit from the rose. Foragers often gather Dog Rose (Rosa Canina) because they are the most delicious.

The question then becomes, "Should you trim rose hips?" This structure is called the fruit and it is unique to flowering plants. To discourage seed development and roses setting, we remove faded flowers and deadhead roses. You should remove developing hips just as you did in the past.

How do you make rose hips for food?


  1. Cleanse the Hips. Take out the stem and blossom ends.
  2. Take out the seeds. Although you can still use fresh, whole rose hips, the seeds within are often covered in hairy, irritating seeds that make it difficult to eat.
  3. Rinse and process the hips.

Are birds allowed to eat rose hips

To answer your question, rose hips are good for birds, especially Rugosa Roses (Rosa rugosa) and Dog Roses (Rosa canina). Thrushes and other fruit-eating birds like Redwings, Blackbirds or Feildfare, Redwings, Redwings, Feildfare, Waxwings and Waxwings eat the hips. They then scatter the seeds in their droppings.