Asked by: Verania Friedel
Asked in category: home and garden, interior decorating
Last Updated: 1st May 2024

Are there color consultants at Sherwin-Williams?

We understand that choosing colors for a project is difficult. It's fast and simple with Sherwin-Williams. Our color marketing consultants will scan your building exterior to add colors and show you the various combinations.

How can I find a color consultant?

It is easy to find one. Many interior designers offer color consulting, which is a type of professional called color consultant.

What is a color consultant? A color consultant is a specialist in color effects and can create color solutions to meet a client's needs. To find a solution, a color consultant uses color psychology, current trends and demographic statistics to create a well-informed solution.

Then, you might also wonder, "How much does a Colour consultant charge?"

There are many costs associated with colour consultants. While a colour consultant starting out may charge $15-$50 per hour, a more experienced colour consultant might charge $150 per hour.

Are there color consultants at Benjamin Moore?

Benjamin Moore's paint color consulting services offer the benefit of over 30 years experience in applying thousands of colors to homes that face many challenges. We have the experience and knowledge to help you choose the right color(s), which you will enjoy for many years.