Asked by: Sanjaya Freudenstein
Asked in category: home and garden, indoor environmental quality
Last Updated: 9th May 2024

Are radon tests required in Colorado?

Colorado Radon Real Estate Requirements
Both the EPA and Colorado recommend that radon testing be done on a residence or home before any real estate transactions are made. Although Colorado doesn't require radon testing for home purchases, we recommend that you have it done.

Is radon a common substance in Colorado?

Approximately 34% of Colorado's homes have radon levels above the EPA recommended level of 4 picocuries (4 pCi), per liter of air. According to EPA estimates, Radon ranks #1 in LUNG CANCER for non-smokers. Radon is the second most common cause of lung cancer.

What is the cost of radon mitigation in Colorado, other than what I have just said? A Colorado mitigation system costs between $800 and $1,200 unless there are difficult design issues. If you are a skilled handyman, and have electrical wiring skills, it is possible to sub-slab depressurization by yourself.

People also ask: Is radon mitigation required under law?

There are no state-mandated laws for radon testing or mitigation in homes or public buildings. Radon Disclosure Laws are available, even though there aren't any state-mandated laws on radon gas.

What is the reason radon levels are so high in Colorado?

It is a byproduct from the decomposition of uranium. This metal is found in many parts of Colorado, mostly in trace quantities. High levels of radon in many counties can be attributed to the presence of this metal.