Asked by: Tu Bohnhoff
Asked in category: personal finance, personal taxes
Last Updated: 30th Jun 2024

Are Kaplan courses exempt from tax?

Kaplan classes cannot be tax-deductible as Kaplan is not a Title IV school and therefore is not eligible under the IRS Education Deduction Guidelines. Our Federal Taxpayer ID number 22-2573250 is available if you require it.

You may also be curious if CFP courses are tax-deductible.

Is CFP continuing education deductible? Your husband is a Certified Financial Planner, so expenses for continuing education are deductible. Your husband can claim the expenses as a business expense in Other Common Business Expenses if he is self-employed.

Are college expenses also tax-deductible? There is no deduction for college tuition or fees. You can still get help with college expenses by using other deductions such as the American Opportunity tax credit or the Lifetime Learning credit. You can also deduct student loan interest from your college graduation.

Keep this in mind, MCAT prep courses are tax-deductible?

Lifetime Learning Credit does not allow you to deduct books or fees. You might still be eligible under the Deduction Higher Education Expenses. The short answer is that you can't probably deduct it, and I don't have the time to read the tax law.

Is the tax deduction for AP exams?

AP exams do not require educational materials. Therefore, the expense is not deductible from tax. The exam fee cannot be claimed by either the parent or the student as a deduction on Form 1040 federal tax form.