Asked by: Anglea Pesudo
Asked in category: style and fashion, natural and organic beauty
Last Updated: 30th Jun 2024

Why is the Pole called poles?

The poles are the ends of a magnet. The end is known as the north pole and the end is the South pole. Line up two magnets so the south pole of one magnet faces the north poleof the other. The magnets will pull towards each other. Similar poles repel, while opposite poles attract one another.

Considering this, why are the poles on planets?

The axis of Earth's spin determines the geographic poles. Our planet tilted (I'm not sure by how many degrees but probably around 20). The line from north to south on which the Planet rotates determines the geographical north and south Poles. Yes, every planet revolves around an axis (citation required).

Also, the North and South Poles are the names of magnet poles. Attractivity is a result of magnets attracted to each other's opposite poles. If the red end or compass points north, it's because it is being attracted to that direction by the south magnet (often coloured blu).

Who named the poles, herein?

Robert Peary

What are the poles of Earth?

The Earth's Magnetic Poles. Earth has 2 geographic poles. They are the North Pole, and the South Pole. These are the Earth's surfaces that Earth’s imaginary spinning axis passes through. There are also two magnetic poles on our planet: the North Magnetic Pole (or the South Magnetic Pole).