Asked by: Felisardo D
Asked in category: religion and spirituality, islam
Last Updated: 4th May 2024

Why do we do tawaf 7 times?

Muslims believe that the ritual of pilgrimage towards the Kaaba dates back to Abraham's time. However, it was confirmed by Prophet Muhammad in the seventh century. Muslims must perform seven anticlockwise rotations around Kaaba as part of their pilgrimage ritual. This is known as 'tawaf'.

Similarly, why do you walk 7 times around the Kaaba?

To ensure the Kaaba is on the left side of pilgrims during Hajj, they must circle the Kaaba seven times each clockwise. Muslims must pray five times per day. They should face the direction to the Kaaba at Mecca. It is the main building of the Islamic religion.

Tawaf is performed around the Kaaba. As they circle around Kaaba in harmony, it is believed that this demonstrates the unity of believers in worshiping the One God.

Hence, why not do Tawaf seven times?

Tawaf's purpose: Tawaf is walking around Kaaba seven times per hour in a clockwise direction during Umrah or pilgrimage. Tawaf is considered an important part of Islam's worship because it shows unity among His servants and believers from all parts of the globe who visit His home to worship.

What is the maximum number of times you can do tawaf?

A pilgrim usually does the tawaf three time for his pilgrimage and once for the Umrah. The tawaf can also be offered at any time as a voluntary act or worship.