Asked by: Lain Gutermann
Asked in category: video gaming, sports video games
Last Updated: 18th May 2024

What does Blue on Blue mean in Rainbow Six Siege?

In military symbology, "Blue on Blue" is military jargon that means "Friendly fire". Friendlies are classified as Blue, Enemies, Red, Neutral, Green, and Unknown. Source: I'm active duty military.

What is the rating of Rainbow Six Siege?

This is the R-rated version. There is a lot of violence. This game has a great community unlike many others. This is one of my favorite games and it's also the most realistic.

The question now is: Is Rainbow Six Siege dead or alive? It's now dead. Rainbow Six is a dangerously close cousin. Siege follows a similar path. Siege is yet to have a commercial impact for many reasons. Tragically, Siege is unique and new in the most stalwart of genres: the FPS.

What does Nokks ability accomplish, other than the above?

HEL Presence Reduction is Nokk's unique ability. Nokk can move much more quietly with this glove attachment and virtually disappear from opposition observation tools like bulletproof cameras, Drones, and Evil Eyes.

When did the ember rise?

September 11, 2019,