Asked by: Gracinda Mattausch
Asked in category: real estate, houses
Last Updated: 18th May 2024

What is the length of the Kapalua Coastal Trail Trail?

1.74 miles

How long is the Kapalua Coast Trail?

1.74 miles

How long is the Kaanapali Beach Walk, in addition? A mile of the Kaanapali Beach Walk runs along the Maui coast, from the Hyatt Regency Hotel & Spa (south) to Sheraton Maui.

How long is the Sliding Sands Trail?

The 17.7-kilometer Sliding Sands Trail, a heavily used out and back trail, is located near Kula on Maui, Hawaii. It features stunning wild flowers and is recommended only for experienced adventurers. You can access the trail year round and it offers many different activities.

How can you get to Dragon's Teeth on Maui?

Take Honoapiilani Highway to Dragon's Teeth. Turn left onto Office Road, just after mile marker 30. Take a right at the end of Office Road and park in the small parking lot. To reach your teeth, you will need to cross the golf course edge.