Asked by: Szymon Frehse
Asked in category: automotive, concept cars, automotive, concept cars
Last Updated: 18th May 2024

What is Volkswagen r32?

A limited edition version of the Golf, but with more power and torque than the standard GTI. The 2004 Volkswagen R32 hatchback is AWD with a 240 horsepower 3.2L V6 engine.

Also, know what r32 stands for VW?

From 2003 to 2008, the Volkswagen Golf R32, also known as the Volkswagen R32, was a hot hatch. The R stands for Volkswagen's motorsport division, Volkswagen Racing. 32 refers to the engine's displacement.

You may also wonder if the VW r32 has Turbo. Although the new R32 is powered almost identically by a narrow-angle V6 engine the Mark Five Golf GTI offers a much more comfortable ride. It's probably the most fast hatchback you could buy. However, more educated souls will point out the GTI and remind us that it's 200 bhp turbocharged is sufficient for most purposes.

How much is a VW R32 worth?

2 Model Years The Volkswagen R32 hatchback is available. The 2008 R32 inventory prices range from $4,817 up to $16,781.

Is Golf r32 really fast?

Volkswagen Golf R32. Its top speed is limited at 155 mph, which allows it to go from 0-62 MPH in just 6.5 seconds (6.2 seconds if fitted with Volkswagens semiautomatic DSG gearbox), which is a remarkable improvement on the GTI.