Asked by: Jinane Caulin
Asked in category: science, biological sciences, science, biological sciences
Last Updated: 6th May 2024

Why do plant cells have more Golgi bodies?

Plant cells can also use up to 80% of their biochemical activity in Golgi apparatus to produce chemicals like pectin or polysaccharides that are used in building cell walls. It is also responsible for transporting lipids around cells and creating lysosomes.

This is why it is important to know which cells have more Golgi body and what kind.

The Golgi apparatus receives proteins and lipids from rough endoplasmic retina. It modifies some of them, sorts concentrates and packs them in sealed droplets called "vesicles". The Brainliest Answer The brainliest answer!

Are Golgi bodies also found in plant cells? Golgi Apparatus. Quick overview: The Golgi apparatus (or complex, or body or 'the' 'Golgi) is found within all plant and animal cell. It is a term that refers to flattened disc-like structures close to the endoplasmic retina. Destination 1: Within the cell, to organelles known as lysosomes.

This being said, why are plant cells stocked with Golgi apparatus?

Many cells only contain one or two Golgi apparatuses, but plant cells can have hundreds. The Golgi apparatus is responsible for transporting, modifying, and packaging proteins, lipids, into vesicles to be delivered to specific destinations. Learn more about cell organelles.

Why is the Golgi body important?

The Golgi apparatus plays an integral role in the modification, sorting, packaging, and use of these substances within cells. It modifies proteins from the rough endoplasmic retina, but it also transports lipids around cells and creates lysosomes.